Games for the Web: Ethnography of Massively Multiplayer On-line Games
term papers written by undergraduate students in the class "Games for the Web: Ethnography of Massively Multiplayer On-line Games."
These students used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods to explore sociological issues associated with massively multiplayer virtual worlds. Each student in the class pursued a different research question.
Second Life and School:
The Use of Virtual Worlds in High School Education
Manny Alvarez
Trinity University, San Antonio, TX1
This paper explores the possibility of the use of virtual worlds in high school education to teach or supplement classes. Scholars have for some time discussed the benefits of role playing, technology, and social learning in the classroom, while games have been used recently as models in the classroom. The author interviewed the players of major virtual worlds about their views on using virtual worlds in classes, while also interviewing teachers for their professional advice. The fact that virtual worlds combine technology, social learning, role playing and games make them a “sleeping giant” in education, despite concerns of cost and widespread acceptance.
Labels: MMORPG, Secondlife, WoW